This picture right here is one of the locations that I'll be visiting when I leave for my travels in less than 11 weeks.. Excited? Oh yes!
I've titled this blog 'Something To Look Forward To' because the adventure that awaits my friend & I in the New Year really is something for us to look forward to.
As I've explained in previous posts, my life feels as if it has been a bit of a roller coaster ride over the last few months and I've often wondered where I'm going in life and what I'm doing with the time I have.
Currently I am spending most of my time at work in order to earn enough money to pay for my travels. It's resulted in a pretty boring period of time for me, but I know that it will be worth it and that I have 3 months off to look forward to so I can't really complain!
With regards to a certain relationship (or should I say lack of), I'm just trying to take each day as it comes and not expect myself to get over it instantly.
It may have been because of my age or the fact that I've never really devoted myself entirely, but previous relationships have never really had much of an impact on me upon reaching their shelf life. This one has been completely different though, and I don't know why they call it 'heart' ache because my whole body has hurt over the last couple of months.
But slowly I'm getting there and I know that I will be alright. It feels so good to be able to type that and know that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless of the fact that the light is only very faint at the moment, I am confident that I will reach it in good time.
I went through a phase where I struggled to feel happy. I've written before about how happiness is an emotion and not a destination, and although I wasn't attempting to reach a destination, I was seriously struggling to find any emotion that felt at all like happiness. This scared me so much that I it seemed to restart my emotions because one day I woke up and knew that feeling unhappy was going to get me nowhere in life and suddenly my happy emotion came back to me.
Of course there are still times when I am not happy, I think I would be alien like if I was content all of the time. But it's nice to know that my happiness is never too far away from me.
So, with something to look forward to in a matter of weeks (76 days to be precise), I'm feeling optimistic about how things are beginning to pan out for me.
I've learnt over the last three or four months that we can't control fate or destiny, and that sometimes things just happen because they happen. It's widely believed that everything happens for a reason, and I truly believe this. We may never know what the reason is, but there is always an explanation for why something has turned out the way it has.
Reading back over the posts I have written since beginning this blog, I am proud of myself for how my outlook on life has changed and how I have developed as a person, even in such a short period of time.
Each day needs to be something that we look forward to and make the most of. I can't say that I'm excited to get up early for work in the morning, or the morning after that, but by making the most of the next couple of months, I will in turn reap the benefits by enjoying three months in Asia and Australia.
And that really is something that I am looking forward to.