Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The Good And The Bad.. The Right And The Wrong..

It's been 12 days since I last posted here, and I don't know why I've left it so long again. When I first begun 'My Love Affair With The Devil',  I was convinced that I would have something to write about each and every day. Clearly, I don't.
I seem to write best when I'm inspired, which only leads me to believe that I do not create enough inspirational opportunities for myself. (Note to self - Good idea for a New Years resolution!)

So, what was I inspired by that has led me to write a post this evening? A couple of things actually..

I seem to have spent most of today feeling negative. I'm so quick to notice something that I don't like or don't agree with, almost too quickly that I forget to appreciate the things around me that I do like and should enjoy.

Secondly, I read a recent post by someone I know and was truly inspired by what they wrote and how good can easily switch to bad, right can quickly turn to wrong; Often without us knowing.

As my previous posts have illustrated, the last couple of months have been a bit of a roller coaster journey for me, and I definitely wouldn't choose to experience them again. I've also been saddened to learn that those who I have believed to be my true friends for a number of years can rapidly become strangers for no reason what so ever.

If I think about it all too much, I become genuinely upset. Letting go of someone you care for is tough, and in the last quarter of 2011 I have done that to someone I love and I seem to be having to do it to a couple of friends.
Are such decisions right or wrong? Aren't we supposed to fight for what we want and do all that we can to hold onto people and objects which make us happy. Surely if you care about something you're supposed to hold on tight to it with two hands, not let it walk away from you. 

A fantastic theory and somewhat compelling, but a lot easier said than done. 

My life seems to have gotten into a habit of constantly throwing obstacles at me to deal with and get past. I'm aware that I have dealt with various issues in the past and gotten through them in time, but perhaps I didn't notice them as much because they came less often, rather than all at once.

I'm proud of myself for maintaining a fighting spirit with regards to one or two obstacles, but I've almost begun to think that if something is meant to me you needn't fight so hard for it and should instead let fate work its magic.


Noun: The development of events outside a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.

Unfortunately I don't really believe in the whole 'supernatural' malarkey, so my belief of 'if it's meant to be it will work itself out' isn't looking too great right now. Talk about contradicting myself!

It would be great if I could have a sneaky peek into a crystal ball right now. I don't want to see my entire life's journey, but I would really appreciate being able to see a few months down the line so that I could know which choices to make right now. Is what I'm selecting to do each day good or bad? Right or wrong? 

My decisions in life haven't always been great, but they have made me the person I am now and I'm not doing too badly as I type. However.. I seem to be facing some life changing decisions at the moment and I am truly scared that I'm going to get them wrong which will results in being on a path in life that I really don't want to be on.

So, my conclusion to all this rabbling? Gosh, I have no idea.

Time to go and ponder...

Friday, 2 December 2011

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012..

I wanted to have this post written by December 1st; the beginning of the last month of 2011. But a day late will have to do! 

So, it's almost the end of 2011 and we'll soon be celebrating the beginning of 2012. Where has the last year gone? Seriously, time has absolutely flown by. 

For me personally, there have been a multitude of highs and lows this year. I won't discuss the lows as it's first thing in the morning and I'd prefer to start the day feeling positive! 
Highlights of 2011 include my 21st birthday, graduating from University with a 2.1, being allocated tickets to the 2012 Olympics and planning to go traveling in exactly two months time! I could go on to list even more, but those four really stand out for me. Two of which  I've celebrated this year and the other two I am looking forward to as the New Year creeps up.

A part of me is sad to know that 2011 is almost over, but every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end, and I have a sneaky feeling that 2012 is going to be a fantastic new beginning for me. I also think that there are one or two things I need to leave behind and move on from, and the New Year is a perfect time to start afresh.

I'm so excited to make new memories, meet new people, explore new places and obtain new experiences. I'm also keen to see how I develop as an individual over the next year and see where my path in life takes me. 

So, what are my New Year's resolutions?!

Well besides the ones that I make each year and never manage to stick to (exercise more, eat healthier and save money), I've decided to take some of the lessons that I've learnt over the past year and use them to make the most of 2012.

As I celebrate the start of another year, I will be thinking about the importance of life and how we need to make the most of each day whilst treasuring the people we love and care about. I don't want to look back on my life and feel as if I've wasted it or that I've spent periods of time as if I were stuck on pause.

Enjoy the rest of 2011 everybody and here's to 2012.. I think it's going to be my favourite year yet.