Sunday, 1 January 2012

A New Beginning

So, 2012 is finally here.. Madness. Where has the last year gone?!

I spent New Year's Eve at a small gathering with friends which was really enjoyable and a great way to see in the New Year. We had a good laugh playing multiple rounds of Twister, and I'm proud to say that I am now the reigning champion!

Each year I say how much I would like to go and see the firework display in London and I never go. Once again I failed to go last night and they looked beyond spectacular on the television. Maybe this year I will actually get my act together and be one of the keen-beans that get there at midday to get the best view. Watch this space....

For me, 2011 flew by in a whirlwind of some incredible highs as well as some unfortunate lows. 
However, we rounded off the year pretty well by welcoming a 7 week old puppy into our home! He is still without name, but I can assure you he is the cutest thing you will ever lay eyes on. I'm not a great lover of animals myself, despite the fact that we already have a dog (who I love very much), but every time I look at the puppy I feel as if I am melting! 
It's going to be exciting to watch him develop over the next month before I go away, and by the time I get back from my travels in late April I'm sure he will have grown so much, but will still be a bundle of joy. He's a lovely addition to our family and I'm so happy that I have the first two days of 2012 off to spend lots of time with him! 

So, onto the topic of traveling! We can now say that we are leaving NEXT MONTH.. ONE MONTH TOMORROW.. 31 DAYS.. etc etc! Unbelievable! We still have so much to organise, but the two of us are really very excited for what our adventure will bring and opportunities that we will experience whilst we are away.
I'm slowly getting all my 'essentials' together, and thankfully Father Christmas was very practical this year and treated me to the likes of a sleeping bag liner, first aid kit and a torch. I must be getting old! 
A big shopping spree will be in order in a few weeks time once it's payday, and then it will be time to pack and be on our way.
The only thing we have left to really organise is our itineraries. As we're only in Asia for 3 weeks, we want to ensure that we make the most of it, so the plan is to do lots of research over the next couple of weeks and plan what we want to do in each location and make sure that we don't miss out on anything whilst we're there! 
I am a great lover of planning, but it is unbelievably hard to decide what it is that we want to see in the time that we have in each location, whilst being realistic at the same time.
Australia we will take more a laid-back approach to as we have more time, but we still have long lists of all the places we want to see. Best get to the organising now then!

Today hasn't been the most inspirational of starts to a new year, due how dark and wet it has been for a majority of the day. However I still feel inspired by the notion of starting afresh and making 2012 a great year for me.

It's time for me to get positive and cease every opportunity. Life is too short and 2012 is already underway.