Music is undeniably powerful.
There are songs that you could listen to every day and not tire of hearing, songs that you can relate to and songs to suit every mood and emotion. But what is it that makes music so intense and powerful?
Is it the artist themselves that attracts you to the music they write and/or sing? Or perhaps it's the lyrics that sound like something you would write yourself if only you could? I'm aware that there are probably a number of other reasons why we each enjoy listening to music, but I want to focus on why music is such a passion of mine.
When I was younger, I learnt to play the piano and I stuck with it until my mid teens. I enjoyed playing it but it was not something that I became passionate about. Personally, I prefer to listen to music rather than make it. I enjoy the sound that instruments can create and I love listening to lyrics and trying to work out and understand what the artist is so desperate to say.
I've always been a fan of using poetry to express my thoughts and opinions, but I've never been inspired to turn my words into songs. However I must be honest and admit that I was in one or two bands during my school years, where we would write our own lyrics and create dance routines to match them. These songs were never worthy of turning us into superstars, but our teachers were always surprised at how myself and my 'band mates' were able to write lyrics that actually meant something.
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I was fortunate enough to attend a good school where the importance of writing was drummed into us and we were encourageed to do so in a way so other people would be able to relate to what we wrote.
I suppose that is why I am most drawn to songs containing lyrics are capable of explaining how I feel at that moment in time. A song that can describe exactly how you are feeling at that moment in time is a powerful one.
However, I'm also prone to a song that makes me want to jig! Jig is a strange word I know; To me, it means more than just dance. It's a happy sort of movement that I can only do if the song fits. Currently, my favourite song that makes me jig is Bruno Mars 'Runaway Baby'. I challenge you to not get your jig on to it!
I suppose all I wanted to say in this blog post is how I'm grateful for the people who create music, because without it, life wouldn't be the same.
If we didn't each have a song that we could listen to when feeling sad to instantly lift our mood, a song that gets us excited for a night out with our friends, or a song that helps us through various circumstances.. Well, I don't think the world would be a very happy place.
As they say; 'Music is life'.